Pizza Mart

Mesa, Arizona, USA
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Location games last seen on:2008-04
Last change to this page:2008-08

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Asteroids Choplifter Donkey Kong Galaga
Galaga '88Hyper Sports Ms. Pac-Man Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Comments on This Location
2015-04-02pacgirlAs of March, 2015, this place still had every game listed above. This place still has great pizza and a great atmosphere!
2008-03-30pacgirlNow has Donkey Kong instead of Excitebike
2007-11-15daddydizzleThe deal is actually a great "DEAL" 2 larga pepperoni and 20 wings you cant beat it!
2005-02-03pacgirlHey! Pizza Mart is located on east of Maine street.They have really good pizza for a good price. The games here are located in the back room where all of the tables are. Although very nice and in good working quality, the games here are a little dirty and worn.If you are looking for a good time and a nice place to get pizza, go to Pizza Mart
2005-02-03pacgirlHey! Pizza Mart is located on east of Maine street.They have really good pizza for a good price. The games here are located in the back room where all of the tables are. Although very nice and in good working quality, they are a little dirty and worn.If you are looking for a good time and a nice place to get pizza, go to Pizza Mart

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