Musée Mécanique

San Francisco, California, USA
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Location games last seen on:2006-01
Last change to this page:2007-03

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Battlezone Bust-A-Move Centipede Death Race
Galaxian Millipede Monaco GP Moon Patrol
Ms. Pac-Man Pole Position Raiden II Robotron: 2084
Sprint 2 Spy Hunter Star Wars

Comments on This Location
2015-12-19LuanWhat a pleasure to find someone who idnefities the issues so clearly
2015-08-12OlympianbabeRode the Bally Champion horse here on June 23, 2015. It was fun!!! They did not let me ride it, though... I got kicked off by an employee 20 seconds later :( At least I got 20 seconds of horsey riding fun!!! :)
2015-08-12OlympianbabeRode the Bally Champion horse here on June 23, 2015. It was fun!!! They did not let me ride it, though... I got kicked off by an employee 20 seconds later :( At least I got 20 seconds of horsey riding fun!!! :)
2014-02-18OlympianbabeI will ride the Bally Champion horse next time I visit San Francisco :)
2006-05-25JNLocation is still there. Located near Pier 45. Very awesome exibit.
2004-02-08EricThis arcade is part of the impressive Musee Mecanique exhibit. Because the Cliff House was closed for rennovation, the MM is currently located at Fisherman's Wharf (Embarcadero at the end of Taylor)

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