Big Toys
They sell games, you can play what is in the store
Sterling Heights, Michigan, USA
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Location games last seen on:-0001-11
Last change to this page:-0001-11

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Comments on This Location
2012-03-20ArsalanWe are members of the Sterling Historical Society and asnerntudd that you will be discussing our house, the Ha Ha, located at 14672 Fancher Ave. during your next meeting on October 24, 2011. We will be sorry to miss that! We have owned the cottage since 2005 and have thoroughly enjoyed our place, many wonderful neighbors, Little Sodus Bay and the Village of Fair Haven. So much to do and so much history-there is no place like it. In three words-we love it! Keep up the good work; we look forward to visiting the museum soon! Chuck and Daria Bour
2008-08-23Kevin SpearsNever just stopped by to play the games, but I just wanted to say I've bought some parts from these guys and they're good people to deal with.

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