2017-02-18 | Anonymous | where
2015-05-07 | Bill | This arcade CLOSED years ago. Need to update this website. |
2010-06-14 | Bill | Drove by it last Friday and the place was empty with a for lease sign on the window. |
2009-10-22 | Barbara60 | This will save you time in the archives and also at home by avoiding situations where you try to recollect how or where you filed something away. , |
2009-09-13 | Lee | Was just in lake geneva yesterday. Arcade is closed with the things for sale listed with a phone number. I too went there often as a child and haven't been there and years so it is sad not to see it open and with that much foot traffic how could they not make money. It seems like bad management and not keeping with the times. There is a lot of things they could do to make the place a million times better and I'm not even talking about the games yet. Hope the place will be open again and who ever owns it wises up. They are not gm there will not be a bail out.
-Lee |
2009-09-05 | GalagaFan | I stepped into Gameland for a walk-through earlier in the summer. There was nobody else in the place and I didn't find anything compelling enough to drop a quarter into.
The place was a wreck and the same boring employees were behind the counter making me feel uncomfortable just to be in the joint.
No ambiance, no customers, no fun = good riddance.
The end of an era in Lake Geneva is sad, but the place was depressing. |
2009-09-03 | Brendan | Gameland is closed! My wife and I were just up in Lake Geneva last weekend and they were shut down with signs selling all of their machines. I just called the number below to check if they were closed for the season or permanently and the man that answered said permanently. Very sad. I live in the west-Chicago suburbs and have been taking trips up to Lake Geneva since I was a kid. Gameland was always at the top of my list of things to do up there! |
2009-08-26 | TONIO_T | WATCH A GAMELAND MUSIC VIDEO USING THIS LINK : www.simurl.com/bowbow |
2009-07-24 | Joe | After doing some research I got the phone number 262-249-9983. They are in fact open. Call for yourself. I'll be making the trip sometime later this year. Review pending. |
2009-07-17 | h | They're closing for good. The guy who owned it for decades sadly passed away. The building has been sold and it becomes another stupid clothing store in September. All the games are to be auctioned. Another great arcade gone :( |
2009-06-29 | Anna | This place is great! A ton of classic games. It also has two multi-cades with about two dozen classics, alot of which are not listed here, like Mappy, Xevious, Dig Dug, Mr Do.... This place probably has your favorite game, regardless of what it is. A++++ |
2009-03-27 | Birk | I am a Chicagoan and i will be going to Lake Geneva April 18th. I loved all teh pinball machines they had there, and the flat table games. Also, the vintage baseball games where you hit the wood ball with a little steel rod..Classic games there!!! |
2009-03-24 | Fred | My brother stopped by there last weekend and there was a sign saying it was reopening on 3-27-09. |
2009-03-13 | FiniteInfinity8 | I was in last year before they shut down for the winter, and spoke to an employee there. He said they were closing for the winter months, and then opening up again in the spring. The owner, Conrad, is reluctant to give the place up, but he recognizes that the arcade industry is dying. So to keep the place open, I'm told the plan is to rent out half the building to another business and keep half of it open as a game room. And I was also told there would be an auction for the games that they weren't keeping - I left my email address so I could be notified when the auction would be held, but I haven't seen anything come from them yet. |
2009-03-08 | DHC | What's the latest? Was in Lake Geneva recently and stopped by. Looked like it was still totally filled with games, but it was closed and dark all day on a Saturday, with no sign or explanation. |
2009-02-22 | roomzero | It seems a lot of the folks leaving comments are Chicagoans who genuinely love Gameland, and are sad to see it decline... Those of us who grew up around LG are even more disappointed, because Gameland is/was one of the ONLY things to do out there. That ..and the closing HAnny's which had LOndon Calling on the juke box... |
2008-12-07 | game nut | long live gameland!!! damm now that games broke. i`m out of here. |
2008-11-22 | TONIO_T | WATCH THIS GAMELAND VIDEO USING THIS LINK : www.simurl.com/bowbow |
2008-10-21 | FiniteInfinity8 | I used to work at Gameland, and it's definitely gone downhill over the years. I can tell you from firsthand experience that we tried to fix every single machine in that place in my time there (10 years ago - I apprenticed under the technician) but the owner just wasn't interested in keeping it in top shape. And that was back when it did a large amount of business all the time and the snack bar sold fudge like crazy. Now the snack bar is closed, and I don't think the place even has a technician anymore. I can't really say I blame them - the day of the arcade room is over. It was good while it lasted, and Gameland and many other arcade rooms gave us all some very good memories (and took huge amounts of our money from us),now that home systems are more powerful than the cabinet units the new generation of kids has lost all interest in putting quarters into those machines. It'll be sad to see it go, but I can't say the place hasn't had it coming for a long time. If it had an owner that cared, it might hang on for a little while longer, but he was only interested in spending the smallest amount of money possible while trying in vain to keep people interested in his barely-working machines. So long, Gameland, and thanks for all the good times. A piece of my childhood leaves with you.
I was just in there last weekend (10/18/08), and it's still open, by the way. I don't know how much longer it'll stick around, but if you want to try to get in there and find out about making an offer on any of the games, you better hurry. |
2008-07-25 | Paul |
To everyone who gave this arcade a negative review: I hope you're happy -- it is closing September 2008. You can pat yourself on the shoulder for having contributed to its decline. |
2008-07-22 | TONIO_T | WATCH THIS GAMELAND VIDEO USING THIS LINK : www.simurl.com/bowbow |
2008-07-16 | h | I got more of the story about their opening status from the niece of the owner. She said her uncle loses money every year, and he's been dangerously ill, but he's now getting better and refuses to close it. I told her that we loved it and had driven up from Chicago just to play and she thanked us and gave me a handful of tokens. So, I completely understand that it's so hard to keep that many old machines working. I wish I could round up 10 collectors/repair guys that would donate a day of time and we'd show up and fix everything we could for a day. They probably can't afford the help and these old arcades are very hard to find these days. |
2008-07-16 | h | Gameland is gem! I can't remember the last time I've been in an arcade with about 100 machines, that had so many wonderful classics. Yes, there are new games there, too, to try to attract some kids, but so many original dedicated games like track and field, paperboy, championship sprint, rampage and tron. It was great! And the best public collection of cabarets I've seen with robotron, centepede, and my personal favorite, world series. Yes it's true that some games were not working, and some had glitches, like the extra base button on world series didn't work, but it was still wonderful! Please come spend some money here and help keep them open! |
2008-06-28 | DHC | Rob -
They plan to be open through the end of the summer, so 1-2 more months.
Gameland, 120 Broad St., Lake Geneva, Wis.; 262-249-9983
If you contact them and get any info as to why, let us know. I'm sure we'd be interested. |
2008-06-23 | Rob G | is it still open and if so where? I know I can help this person get back on track I have supplied 100's of locations and vendors with games over the USA I am currrently in kauai but will be back on the 28th. I have some options for this owner that can make it work. Best way to reach me is 262-305-6995 thx and good luck |
2008-06-07 | Dan | Why do these places close? I mean, I know all the obvious reasons, but damn it!, once these announcements are made here, one of the old-time billionaire gamers should automatically reach out and save these places. All they have to do is renovate these great arcades and "restore" the cabinets with brighter hybrid technologies. I swear, just replace all the controllers with low maintenance clicking solid state hardware devices, replace the CRTs with low power super high contrast organic LED monitors, replace and enhance all the cabinet lights with synchronized super bright LEDs, and then you can run these arcades off of a couple of freakin' PC's. Then advertise, advertise, advertise. There will be no shortage of players after that, and the maintenance costs will be next to nothing. This stupid recession will be over in five years. Can't someone hold on to this arcade for just a little bit longer? Come on! Please stop this from happening! I want to go there. I'll never make it if this closure actually goes through. Please! |
www.simurl.com/bowbow |
2008-05-06 | Previous Employee | Gameland did seem like a decent place, except now it seems like the have gone back to charging the people who work there. I don't mind that they had to fire me (tourest seasion was over and they had no need for me anymore... oh fun), but some of the games will not work, no matter how much money you put into it. At least 4 times a shift someone would ask for their money back, and all I would do would be to give them back tokens. So yeah, it may be worth it to play some of the games, but make sure to carefully watch to see which ones work and which ones don't. |
2008-01-30 | Paul | The phone number for Gameland is 262-249-9983. They are actually called Bigfoot Amusements. I would call first before heading out there, we were there 2 years ago and 80% of the games worked and i was just glad to see that somebody still had an actual arcade still in operation no matter what games worked or didnt work or whatever. LONG LIVE ALLADIN'S CASTLE!!! LOL
Rockford,IL |
2008-01-17 | Patrick from Starworldsarcade.com | I hope to get to this place soon! As I run my own classic 80's arcade I also love playing in others too.
Pac man Pat |
2007-04-23 | Fred H. | I just got back from Lake Geneva after a family vacation. The weather was great over the weekend, but it was still too cold to go swimming! Lake Geneva is a spring-fed lake, so it is always cold it seems.
I stepped into Gameland and stepped right out. I wanted to cry. My memories of this place were always good until now and I worry that I may have damaged that area of my mind where I looked at this place as heaven on earth for a video game addict like myself.
The place was dirty, the staff was either rude or indifferent. This isn't atypical of most declining video arcades that still are around today, however. But the games were in bad, bad shape. The sound didn't work in some of the games I played. Would anyone play Xbox 360 without sound? Then why would someone want to play a real classic without sound? I felt robbed.
The owner of this establishment must be old and not around for the day-to-day operations of this arcade, otherwise I believe he/she would do something to fix some of the issues they have.
Gameland is simply a major disappointment and not what it once was. |
2007-02-08 | Stevens | Hello. It appears as someone below doesn't believe anyone should criticize gameland. I wonder if they actually have been there.
The video posted by tonio shows Gameland a few years back. All I can say is: WOW. Things have changed since then, unfortunately. There is no Space Invaders, Shinobi, Star Wars, Missile Command, NARC, Rolling Thunder, Tempest, and I don't remember the Elevator Action.
If you think Gameland is above criticism, why don't you head off to Funspot in NH (Check the listing) or Ground Kontrol in Oregon. Then go back to your Gameland and try to claim it is justified giving the public these broken down games.
If you go to Gameland, walk through with a smile but don't drop a quarter in the games or you'll leave a very disappointed person. |
2007-02-06 | Paul Schilling |
Uh, do you people have *any* idea how rare it is these days to have an arcade that is still the same as it was 30 years ago? Have you thought about that at all? This place is a total gem! Even if half the games there weren't working at all, I still count myself lucky to have the experience of walking into a time-warp arcade like Gameland. Those people complaining about the shape it is in sound like spoiled brats to me. I challenge you to name even one arcade in the entire midwest that goes back that far (and I'm not talking about those travelling arcade museums) |
2007-01-19 | Stevens | I just went past Gameland and noticed they had an Admission $2 sign in the window. By the look of the people inside (none), the place isn't worth $2. That is sad. |
2006-11-19 | a game fan | when was the first game invented? |
2006-11-07 | daniel.baker | i grew up in lake geneva. my dad used to take my brother and i to gameland in the early 80s and i still like to visit it every now and then when i go back.
i haven't checked lately, but i used to play Star Wars all the time... the all-polygon graphics and sweet digitized obi-wan voice were great fun.
they also have an old-timey photo booth (late 60s?) that shoots those 4-shot black/white pics. we just had a "family picture" taken with my wife and daughter in July 06.
would it be awesome if someone bought this place and fixed it up? absolutely. until then i'll probably still stop by a few times a year just to check out the old games. |
2006-10-28 | Bill | Went to Gameland on 10/28 expecting to play some partially functional games as in years past. I tried Track and Field, Robotron and Defender and all worked 100%. Nice to actually be able to build some speed up on track and field and I was able to reach 999,975 on Defender with no problem. Hopefully this is an indication of things to come. |
2006-10-28 | Robert | These games work well at taking your money... but don't work so well when it comes to the controls, screens, and sound.
The guy below tries to justify the place by saying, "Yeah, the games are old so you should expect them to be rough". That is like going to a car show and finding a rusted out 69 Camaro. If you criticize the car, you're an idiot because the car is 37 years old and you should expect rust!
Come on, guy. This place sucks. Admit it. |
2006-10-18 | Gameland Update | Looking-to-hire type Ad in the window requesting applications for game tech "with references". The games are in such terrible shape, I think they should take anyone who knows what a wire is.
Place was closed when it should have been open (according to posted hours) on Tuesday. This place makes me physically ill to enter. It will be the last time I go there. Those "no refund" signs posted ever 2 feet are ridiculous. |
2006-08-06 | ROB | WHO FARTED? |
2006-07-08 | RWM | Are you two still arguing about this? From what I can tell, readers of this forum will determine that the people who post here need to get a life. If they live reasonably close to the area, they may visit Gameland to form their own opinions (of the arcade.) |
2006-07-07 | Galagafan | I really don't care about your opinion, Just_Pat. The fact is, 100 people can go to this crappy arcade and 99 will be ticked off that they got robbed because the games sucked. You are in the 1% who doesn't care about getting robbed, I suppose. I have common sense on my side, and I challenge anyone to go to this arcade and come back here with an opinion that people are bashing this place as unfounded.
Sure, we can log onto here with a different name and fake some BS. But the truth is stronger than that and alot of people who drive more than 1 hr to this place are going to be angry. I warned them not to go while Just_pat lies to you.
I know what the place is like, I wonder if this guy has even set foot in here. Just because they have classics doesn't make them outside the realm of just criticism!!!! |
2006-06-19 | The Infamous DB | Hello, I own a lakehouse in Lake Geneva and go to downtown Lake Geneva all the time. Let me just say this...
The Gameland arcade has ALWAYS sucked. Bad. For years. From time to time I talk to the manager and offer to buy some games off him(very generous offers too, considering how bad the shape they are all in) but I guess hey just wants to wait until the very end. Which might happen soon.
I used to go there every once in a while just to play Metal Slug 3. Now? Well, due to him not giving a crap about his games, it's busted. He doesn't care about his arcade, he doesn't care about quality... It's a mystery why he has been around for all these years. |
2006-05-25 | GalagaFan | The comments WERE founded, but it is possible that they finally got down to business and fixed some of their problems.
If this is the case, as Mr. Burns would say, EXCELLENT.
I'll find out...because I live close enough to find out if you are lying or not. That "admission" sign was on their as recent as ONE month ago. If it is still there, I'll take a digital photo of it. We'll see.... We will see. |
2006-05-23 | Just_Pat | So with that said, you still went back there..
No matter how bad you like to put this place down, you went back. A place where you wanted to play track & field, but you didn't want to pay the price to get in.. (You still took the drive, and you still wanted to play at the same place you so call "terrible").
The comments you keep coming back with are not even close to what could be considered an argument. I wish you the best in your "Gameland" adventures, as I know you will be back again soon... (Not like you haven't been already) .
Nice arguments though - keep up the good work ! |
2006-05-22 | TONIO_T | Is anyone interested in seeing a music video of GAMELAND that I made with friends back in 1997 ??? Send a request for FREE dvds(with free shipping) to : emailtoniotv@yahoo.com
I briefly visited Gameland some weeks ago. They had a lot of really neat old games that APPEARED to be functional. And to answer the question about TONIO_TV - It's a (not on air yet)cable access show that has a lot of skits, movie clips, music, etc.....including a music video of Gameland. Anyone interested in FREE copies(with FREE shipping) of the now-completed dvds of the show(includes Gameland music video), please send a request to emailtoniotv@yahoo.com
2006-05-18 | Galagafan | The last time I "played" there was before they put a sign on the door saying "admission $X". I was going to just go in and play a game of Track & Field (one of the only WORKING games) and saw that sign...guess what I did? I LEFT NEVER TO RETURN AGAIN.
I hope this place is gone the next time I go to Lake Geneva. |
2006-05-15 | Galagafan | Hmmm... I guess I said some kind of an insult directed at Pat, and it was deleted. I really don't remember what it was but it definitely was warranted. Why? Look at Pat's tone in his response. I wonder if he set foot in this place or is simply defending it by lashing out at anything he can.
The place (Gameland) sucks, period. Pointing out that they are still here 6 months later doesn't change the fact that the place sucks. And I am not saying the place sucks just to be mean. I'd love nothing less than to go past there once a month and drop $10-20 into the classics they have. But, being in the condition they are in... it is just sad.
But hey, they are making money so they don't need to do any better...do they, Pat? |
2006-05-12 | GalagaFan | Just_Pat: Play Qix. Oh, you can't see one of the lines because the monitor is 1/2 dead.
Play Donkey Kong: NO Sound.
Play Robotron: NO Sound.
Play Super Monaco GP: Steering Wheel Issues
Play Tron: SPINNER JACKED UP and fire button is spotty.
Play Centipede: Trackball is messed up.
Having old games is great, but having old games in that condition isn't. And just because they are still around doesn't mean they are good. If they bought the building 30 years ago, it is probably paid off. They make money from the renters above it and a few people stop by and play the shoddy games only to be disappointed. If they had to throw down 1.5K a month for rent, they'd last 1/2 a year tops. This place WILL be gone soon enough. The owner will get out of the business and liquidate and move to a nice home along the lake, or down south where the weather is better. And Gameland will become the new Starbucks location that will make about 100X more a year.
You are a nut if you think those games are in playable shape. They, and the place, is a disgrace to classic games. [Last sentence deleted as it contained an insult].
2006-05-08 | TONIO_T | I briefly visited gameland a few weeks ago. They had a lot of really neat old games that appeared to be functional. And to answer the question about TONIO_TV, it's a cable access show that has a lot of skits, movie clips, music, etc.....including a music video of gameland. Anyone interested in a free copy of the dvd of the show, please send a request to emailtoniotv@yahoo.com Thanks. |
2006-05-08 | MarcusToban | What is Tonio TV? |
2006-05-08 | Just_Pat | I would have to say that all of you, really don't understand your own comments. I know you like to put the place down, and have your say, but the fact of the matter is, looking at the dates your comments were left, (People saying this place has 6 months left, it's going down.. blah blah blah).. well, What's still in that location? Think about it.. They are Obviously making SOME kind of money to keep the d*mn building where it is!
2006-05-08 | MarcusToban | What is Tonio TV? |
2006-05-01 | TONIO_T | Is anyone interested in seeing a music video of GAMELAND that I made with friends in 1997 ?
Send a request for a FREE dvd to :
emailtoniotv@yahoo.com |
2006-03-29 | Gamer | Are there ANY playable games here? Or is the place a complete waste of time? |
2006-03-26 | lake geneva fan | place should be closed or sold to some one else its so bad its embarassing to all of us. |
2006-02-12 | Tony P | If they are charging to get in now that is the nail in the coffin. It will be sad to see the place finally go, but not unexpected seeing what has happened to it in my 5 years of going there. |
2006-01-29 | Dan | I think most of the places that have this many classic machines can hardly afford to stay afloat. I have to pay $5 in Tampa Bay to get into the nearest large arcade with classics, and I'm happy to pay it, since classic arcades are EXTREMELY RARE now, and sadly unpopular for the masses. The second closes large arcade with classic machines in Orlando costs $35, and they were hardly maintaining those machines last time I went.
Please enjoy what's left. Apparently, it costs thousands to refurbish a fleet of classic machines and more (above the quarters) to maintain them. What we need are official hybrid machines that cost less to build and maintain. And, yes it pisses me off having to pay $35 per person to play poorly maintained machines. Trying to recapture the past is even more frustrating. Unfortunately, I think all our bitching does is close more arcades and remove more classics.
Oh! by the way, a company name Excalibur is selling a cool handheld arcade version of Frogger with a joystick. |
2006-01-29 | LAKE GENEVA RESIDENT | Hello, First off, let me be the first to say, as first and foremost... a 35 yr old GAME FAN and pinball player, I am VERY sorry that ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE, would have to now ahem... PAY? To get into this dive... what a joke. Those of you from chicagoland know of JUST GAMES, some were cleaner than others, the one we frequented could have had surgery done in the middle of the well layed out, well maintained atmostphere. This establishment is not even a goldmine being milked, it needs to be put out of business for lack of consideration to any and all that live here, visit here, and dare I say, PAY? TO GET IN? Cover charge for what.... you would think this place is a peep show establishment being the dank pit that it is. It's amazing it lasted this long, I moved up here more than 6 years ago and to my amazement, the hole hasn't filled with water yet, maybe this will be our lucky year. Again, as an LG resident, and avid game player, ( not the new console crapola ) but a quarter dumping spaz that just wanted another round of cabal, I am sorry that this place isn't a warehouse yet. Kudos and game on. |
2005-12-31 | john | this is a good arcade..........for me to poop on! |
2005-12-24 | GalagaFan | It is sad when one HOPES this place goes under, but today I walked away from the front doors feeling this exact way.
Posted on a sign: $2 adults, $1 children (Admission)
Same crappy games, and now one has to pay to enter the dump. I would have to agree with the below post: this place has 6 months left to live. If you have money, get ready to buy these machines when they hit the market...but be ready, they'll all need work.
What a potential goldmine this place is: Awesome location (street traffic galore) but owned by one ignorant SOB who knows nothing of how to run a business. They are suckering people out of $2 at the door so at least they get SOMETHING...
I hope the owner of this establishment reads this and puts a closed sign on the door immediately: YOUR PLACE SUCKS and when a true classic game fan is telling you this, it is time for you to sell your crap and retire. If there is a forgiving God, perhaps he'll let you live out the rest of your days in peace instead of punish you for your misdeeds in the classic game world. |
2005-12-15 | chauncey | a place where arcades die. its a shame the owner does not care. i work in the arcade industry and know how easy it is to get parts and such to care for these machines. just a shame. i am giving this place 6 months to live - i actually cant believe it stil there... hell if the place was clean and the machines were tip top shape, i would pay .50- 1.00 just to relive the childhood experience. |
2005-05-08 | Galagafan | Yes, this place is a dump and is not kept up. I wonder who the owner is and what the heck he does to let the place get out of hand like that... Very sad! This place has awesome potential (lots of visitors!) but it falls flat. Lots of classics, but many don't even have sound you can hear and the controls are busted. Tron is there, it works...kind of. The spinner is messed up and needs probably only a simple cleaning and one of the fire buttons goes in and out...a simple fix as well.
There is a ms.pac-man clone that is "4 quarters!" Pathetic. The signs saying "no bathroom for public use" and "screw you, no refunds" are tacky. Like the message below, they cannot legally do this but they try to scare the average person into compliance knowing they won't be taken to court over 25c or a buck.
Many small cabaret models in the front (most lacking sound) containing classics that could easily be sold off and replaced with full-sized models of the more popular titles... Donkey Kong? Pac-Man? Robotron? All great titles, but on a mini screen they lack alot. What a waste.
I'd love to be able to get in there and partner up with the owner and make some changes for the better. That basketball game is a waste of space in there as well...nothing but junk metal taking up space you can put 3 classic machines in.
Qix is faded (enemy disappears at times...kind of hard to play that way!), centipede is jacked up and worthless to control as well as many others. The gas pedal on the Pole Position cockpit is shot as well...maybe the shifter, too. Bad, bad junk that is not kept up. |
2005-01-18 | Wayne U. | The machines at this place are fixed to accept tokens instead of quarters now. Otherwise still like I've been going to for years. |
2002-12-31 | Tony P | My last trip to gameland was disappointing... 4 of my first 5 game attempts resulted in eaten quarters, broken controls, or in one case no actual pinball popped up. Others worked fine, but what got me mad is that the person who was working there (I didn't know it at the momement) was near me and saw that it wasn't working or that it ate my quarter, and did NOTHING. He was too busy watching his friend play street fighter. This place has really gone down the tubes. |
2002-11-20 | Dan Murphy | Does anyone know if Double Dragon is still there and in good working condition? I would be willing to drive over an hour to get there to just play that, but I would hate to get there and find it is no longer in working order- that has got to be one of the best games made- I wish I had $1300 laying around because I found an online store selling one! Please WB or email me at Spocko_1701@hotmail.com and let me know it's present status... |
2002-07-29 | Justin C. | Visited Gameland on 7-27, and was amazed to see that it was a true arcade straight out of the 80's. Almost all of the games are classics. For some reason, some of the normally cheap games cost 50 cents, but most cost only a quarter. Highly recommended. |
2002-07-26 | Nick Johnson | Went to this place yesterday and it was pretty good. Couple of pointers though while I was there.
1. Burgertime and Championship Sprint weren't working and the coin box on Jungle King is broke.
2. Defender costs 50 cents to play which is unusual. |
2002-05-28 | Tony P | I was there on 5-26. Joust and Defender were both working fine. Asteroids was working, but the screen was faint. Burgertime, Missile Command, and Arkanoid were for sure not working. |
2002-05-24 | chuckers | This is the place there old arcades go to die. Most classics do not work anymore and they are NOT kept up. NO starwars, no NARC, an no Operation Wolf anymore. Burgertime, joust and defender did not work. Its a shame. Its sad to see this place fall apart. thank god Tron worked - but its in real bad shape. |
2002-05-24 | rich | popped in there today ... didnt have a chance to play anything but i did notice that burgertime and asteroids were both broke... this place is right next to lake geneva |
2002-03-13 | Tony P | Address is 120 Broad St. |
2002-03-12 | Bubba | What is the address? I cant find it!!!! |
2001-06-26 | Dudah | I took lots of pictures which didn't turn out all that great, but I also took a video! Soon to be at http://www.expage.com/dudahspage Truly worth the drive!
-Kev |
2001-05-27 | Bill | Does Gameland have a website? |